Ahaha, this piece is almost nostalgic, I remember when I was like this girl... girly! ;w;
So cute, looks just like a girl going shopping somewhere around Ikebukuro.
Wowie, thank you!! *hugs* I really appreciate you've taken the time to learn me something about the pencils! Thnx so much! I will try what's the perfect brand is for me personally and I'll certainly have a look at that site. ^_____________^
aw thanks so much >w<
i use prismacolor pencils now because they are softer and easier to blend. but at the same time i know for a fact that you can get the same quality out of crayola colored pencils. but since the leads are harder in crayola you have to press harder and my hand kinda cramped up after a while lol.
more types of popular colored pencils include "Faber-Castell" and "Derwent". both are also high quality in lead but i dont own them yet. its really ones opinion though. try to find the perfect brand for yourself
oh and heres a nice website that practically cuts art supply prices in half <3
Colours look so pretty. O__O SEriously, it's pretty! I love the colours of her hair, I just couldn't believe it's done with a pencil (I was almost convinced it's done digitally, but I trust you, haha). Feonalily, this drawing is so bright, cheerful, pretty and colourful! X3
I'm thinking of buying Prisma colour pencils, I'm sure they're better than those of the kindergarten... DOn't know any other good quality pencils, I'm such a noob. -__-;
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/15/09 | Reply
Oh em geee!
I LOVE her fashion!
I love to shopp too! lolsz!
Awesome job in fashion taste X3
(( I could never make my art look like this, even if I have the prismas. lolsz. I just dont know how to use them! DX ))
I like this artwork! :D
I adore your coloring skills >w<
The outfit is adorable; the girl is adorable; it's all so cuute!
&& i totally want her bag now -__-
Great job Feonalily!
OLD NAVY DOES suck. I hate the clothes there, but did you know...that GAP owns it? AND Gap owns Banana Republic too. I used to work at BR, but got transferred. GAP will take over the world!!!
eh heh heh i actually got the skirt idea from a similar skirt from JC Penny. it was made for children though. i dont know why they make the trendiest clothes for children....
That skirt is loaded with detail, I can just imagine how it would look if I saw it hanging on some rack in Charlotte Russe or somethin stylish like that
My gosh this is so ADORABLE <333
I looove the outfit so much, and the coloring is so amazing
I love each little ruffle in her skirt, and all the details in general are just awesome x3
Wonderful job~! I'm sure your buddy will love it!
*hugs and favs
I love this pose. It looks so natural
Her hair looks gorgeous too. I already said this but, I love the way you draw hair. It looks especially nice and soft in this pic (Wait does that make sense?)
And her outfit is cute too. Her bag is adorable, and the frills on her shirt look great
The bubbles in her hair look awesome. (They just stand out to me ._.)
Awesome job~
gah. i've been wanting to draw a gory picture for a very long time (i has a tiny dark side) but i need to think of an idea for it <w<
thanks for the suggestion. i'll work extra hard now ^^
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
Why oh why does your drawings have to be so cute? :D LOL I kinda want to see if you can do something that isn't cute like maybe serious or bloody...just saying...but either way your coloring on this is really adorable and bright which makes everything perfrect plus the colors just blend together!!! XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/15/10 | Reply
this is soooooo cute! =3
Moderator | Posted 01/25/10 | Reply
Ahaha, this piece is almost nostalgic, I remember when I was like this girl... girly! ;w;
So cute, looks just like a girl going shopping somewhere around Ikebukuro.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
Wowie, thank you!! *hugs* I really appreciate you've taken the time to learn me something about the pencils! Thnx so much! I will try what's the perfect brand is for me personally and I'll certainly have a look at that site. ^_____________^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/28/09 | Reply
aw thanks so much >w<
i use prismacolor pencils now because they are softer and easier to blend. but at the same time i know for a fact that you can get the same quality out of crayola colored pencils. but since the leads are harder in crayola you have to press harder and my hand kinda cramped up after a while lol.
more types of popular colored pencils include "Faber-Castell" and "Derwent". both are also high quality in lead but i dont own them yet. its really ones opinion though. try to find the perfect brand for yourself
oh and heres a nice website that practically cuts art supply prices in half <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/28/09 | Reply
Colours look so pretty. O__O SEriously, it's pretty! I love the colours of her hair, I just couldn't believe it's done with a pencil (I was almost convinced it's done digitally, but I trust you, haha). Feonalily, this drawing is so bright, cheerful, pretty and colourful! X3
I'm thinking of buying Prisma colour pencils, I'm sure they're better than those of the kindergarten... DOn't know any other good quality pencils, I'm such a noob. -__-;
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/19/09 | Reply
ah this is soo cute! love all of the accessories :D
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/15/09 | Reply
Oh em geee!
I LOVE her fashion!
I love to shopp too! lolsz!
Awesome job in fashion taste X3
(( I could never make my art look like this, even if I have the prismas. lolsz. I just dont know how to use them! DX ))
♥ Nae-chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/09 | Reply
oh snap. i like fashion. i'll have to look into that sometime. xDD
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
ehh? whats "kogal"? e_0
lol thanks
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
Awesome coloring!
keep it up!

Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
Awe this is so cool..I can understand why you got so many comments..Awesome colouring as well..Keep it up..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
I luv this picture. It's soo CUTE! I like the details and her Nummy Cupcake bag. I also like her kitty purse it's so adorable!

a n a s e l i n a
Otakuite | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
I like this artwork! :D
I adore your coloring skills >w<
The outfit is adorable; the girl is adorable; it's all so cuute!
&& i totally want her bag now -__-
Great job Feonalily!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
omg tis is so pretty i simply adore the way you colored it =D *hugs and favs*
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
OLD NAVY DOES suck. I hate the clothes there, but did you know...that GAP owns it? AND Gap owns Banana Republic too. I used to work at BR, but got transferred. GAP will take over the world!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
haha maybe xD
they like OLD NAVY here (i think it sucks)
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
what? No GAP? That's crazy, the GAP is like McDonalds, it's everywhere. Your state is totally against it or something
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
haha i'd be one of those people trying to squeeze into children clothes. oooh the GAP. they don't have that store here anymore ^^;;;
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
Yah, you should see what we have at the GAP, the kids clothes are spamtastic. Some of my co workers buy them if they can fit XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
eh heh heh i actually got the skirt idea from a similar skirt from JC Penny. it was made for children though. i dont know why they make the trendiest clothes for children....
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
That skirt is loaded with detail, I can just imagine how it would look if I saw it hanging on some rack in Charlotte Russe or somethin stylish like that
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
Wow, this is absolutly adorable! I love how you worked with the colours.
Fire Flower
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
Awww!!! Soooo Kawaii!!! the cloring is gorgeous tooo!!! Uber Amazing Job!!! *hugs&favs!!* <3
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
My gosh this is so ADORABLE <333
I looove the outfit so much, and the coloring is so amazing
I love each little ruffle in her skirt, and all the details in general are just awesome x3
Wonderful job~! I'm sure your buddy will love it!
*hugs and favs
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
She is so cute!^^
I like her eyes^^ she seems so coquette^^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
This is so cute! Then I read her bag and I almost died!
Magical ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
wow so cute!
i love her bag and outfit! XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
I love this pose. It looks so natural
Her hair looks gorgeous too. I already said this but, I love the way you draw hair. It looks especially nice and soft in this pic (Wait does that make sense?)
And her outfit is cute too. Her bag is adorable, and the frills on her shirt look great
The bubbles in her hair look awesome. (They just stand out to me ._.)
Awesome job~
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
congrats! you wont be disappointed with those prismas 8D
i think they're the bestest pencils ever <33
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
X3 Kawaii!
I love the coloring!!
*waiting for Prismacolored pencils to come in mail*
X3 I want to go to the Nummy Cupcake, sounds delicous!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
gah. i've been wanting to draw a gory picture for a very long time (i has a tiny dark side) but i need to think of an idea for it <w<
thanks for the suggestion. i'll work extra hard now ^^
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
awww. this is cute!!! u did an awsome job!!

Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
Why oh why does your drawings have to be so cute? :D LOL I kinda want to see if you can do something that isn't cute like maybe serious or bloody...just saying...but either way your coloring on this is really adorable and bright which makes everything perfrect plus the colors just blend together!!! XD
Gero Chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
LOVE the coloring job!!!!!
It is sooo beautiful! I also like the position of the figure! Great Job!
- Gero Chan
* hugs and faves *